Audio recording

Looks like nowadaws you can make a professional record in your bedroom, but in reality it is not all that simple. There are lots of nuances to think of. Which microphone to use on what, where ot put it, what preamp works best with it – a producer should be able to answer all these questions.
There is no one right way to record a sound, but there are a lot of wrong ones. A well recorded material will require a lot less time to edit and mix, you will be able to focus on creativity instead of fixing the issues.
This part of the course is about:
- Microphone types
- Microphone polar patterns and how to use them
- Selecting and placing the microphone
- Recording formats
- Signal chain and gain staging
- Recording vocals
- Recording various instruments
- Recording drums
- Working with bands, preparing and managing sessions
- NB! We will make lots of recordings and experiment with sound!

If you want to learn audio recording workflows or music production in general, please contact us or fill out the registration form and we'll set up a free demo workshop for you!